Services  >  Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


"Customized, targeted in-depth SEO strategy tailored to your online business - from internal and external linking architecture to keyword rich hand-made content over-delivering on your customer's expectations."

In-depth Keyword Research

Upon completing the analysis of your organization’s target market, AltaMinds will begin researching profitable keywords that will be used to optimize your website. We measure SOC (Strength of Competition), OCI (Online Commercial Intent) and Exact Search Results to determine the best keywords that will be used to create the pages on your site. This unique algorithm will determine the most profitable keywords with the least competition that will bring your company quality traffic with high profit potential.

AltaMinds will optimize each page of your site for a specific keyword phrase related to your industry. This drastically improves the chances that your website will appear on the top of the major search engines for keywords that will result in a constant flow of targeted, pre-qualified visitors to your site.

Look and Feel

Site layout, aesthetics, site architecture, look and feel….

While these site elements may seem similar, they are all separate and distinct parts of your website that need to be analyzed and implemented correctly to achieve maximum site performance.

The “Look and Feel” refers to how your site looks and how your visitor feels when they arrive at your site. By implementing the insights gathered from the Market Analysis into your site’s look and feel, we will make it a warm and inviting experience for your visitor - resulting in a decreased bounce rate and increase in the desired action for your site.

On and Off Page Optimization - Advanced Linking Strategis

The internal and outbound linking structure of your site plays an important role in your search engine rankings and the number of quality visitors that arrive at your site. AltaMinds will spend a great deal of time in researching the best ways to get links to your site from other relevant and quality sites.

We also implement a unique natural linking strategy by creating a network of sites that pre-sell your visitor, and send quality traffic to your site giving you full control of how many links connect to your Host site.

This powerful network of mini-sites will enable you to reach more customers and increase the authority of your main site, increasing site rankings and trust authority. As your site gets older and develops more credibility in the search engines, the site links will literally push your site up the search engines.

Custom Content Creation - Good Copy Sells

It has been argued that content is the key to any successful website.

At AltaMinds, we take that literally. We have dedicated copywriting specialists who will create a customer profile based on market research, and create keyword-rich, unique, quality content, over-delivering on your visitors' expectations.

Through quality content, you are able to build an automatic relationship of trust with your customer even before they meet you and your staff, or go to your facility. This relationship will be the driving factor leading to more customer calls, emails, and pre-qualified leads.

GoogleThink ™

To rank well in the search engines, you need to think like a search engine. Our SEO experts will research, plan, create and develop your site with the goal of ranking well in the search engines. In addition, our team will build your site so that if the search algorithms change, your site will move up in the rankings, not down.

In other words, we think like the search engines, anticipate what they want from your site, and provide it to them. We call this unique strategy GoogleThink™.